In Class policies and procedures

Class Auditor


Failure to comply with class policies and procedure may result in your removal from class.

During class phone number for text: 978-716-2667

               When texting please include your name and what Tier you are in.


  • Have your CODE BOOK every week

  • Have all of your class materials every week

  • Be on camera at all time or you will be removed from class

  • Be prepared each week or you could be removed from class

Be in a good learning environment!

  • Sit in an UPRIGHT position

  • NOT in bed or lying down

  • Limit background distractions

If you are going to be Late:

Text: 978-716-2667

8PM Break:

At 8PM each night there will be a 3-minute break to stretch or use the bathroom.

Leave your camera on.

IF you are not in your seat at 8:03PM you will be removed from class.


Quizzes are open book.

Grades under 70% (passing) are recorded as a 0%.


Exams are Mandatory and CANNOT be made-up or rescheduled.

Grades under 70% (passing) are recorded as a 0%.


One Warning Text to wake you up.

Failure to respond within 1 minute you will be removed from class WITHOUT credit.

Bathroom Break:

Text 978-716-2667 before you go.

1.0.2: Attendance Policy

1)     Attendance is Mandatory(zero tolerance for absences)

(a)    Incomplete at-home assignments, and any absence from class are a violation of the Board of the Examiners of Plumbers and Gas-fitters licensing education regulations.

(b)   For urgent situations ONLY, that may result in any apprentice/student being absent from class, the individual shall immediately forward an email to the compliance auditor at (

  1. Absences are grounds for immediate removal from a Tier, and

  2. Not completing at-home assignments, which will result in an absent-(due to the non-completion) are grounds for immediate removal from a Tier.

 2)     Warnings-(absences, incomplete assignments and missed classes)

(a)    Immediate warning correspondences will be forwarded to any apprentice/student who,

  1. Fails to complete the at-home assignment and/or

  2. Is found to not have completed the at-home assignment in compliance with their own responses provided at the pre-quiz introduction questions and pre-quiz instructions

 3)     Missed Classes

(a)    Missed classes must be made-up prior to a half-term exam, and a make-up class handling fee of $100.00

(b)   Failure to complete any make-up classes will result in one, or all of the following non-compliance sanctions:

  1. The loss of clock-hours for the Tier of record, and/or

  2. The expulsion from the Tier.

 4)     Waiver of a Handling Fee

(a)    Any potential waivers of the $100.00 make-up class handling fees are subject to the discretion of the auditor(s) and applicable TPA staff. 


It is important to log into class by 5:45PM so you have time to troubleshoot any issues.

Camera or Microphone is not working. The majority of the time the following process will work.

Step 1: Shutdown the computer

Step 2: Let it sit OFF for 2 minutes.

Step 3: Turn on computer and let it startup.

Step 4: open email and log back into class.